United in Faith – Catholic Schools Endowment


Through this endowment, The Diocese of Rockford will enhance its partnership with parents, parishioners, alumni and other friends in financially supporting current and future Catholic elementary schools and the Diocesan Central Catholic High Schools. In order that diocesan Catholic schools can address local requirements, earnings from this endowment may be used for various purposes identified by pastors, educational leaders and/or school boards. Examples of how earnings might be used include: Local School Endowment Investments; Tuition Assistance; Teacher Salary Increases; Staff Development; Curriculum Enhancements; Operating Expenses; and Capital Improvements.
In the unlikely event that any of the ministerial needs outlined in this purpose statement cease to exist, or that funding for these needs becomes great enough that no additional funding is necessary, the Diocesan Finance Council and the Diocesan College of Consultors will make recommendations to the Bishop regarding the use of continued endowment earnings.