“United in Faith” Endowments

Historical Background
In 2000, after consultation with all diocesan advisory and consultative bodies and after a feasibility  study, Bishop Doran authorized a $35 million endowment campaign. He organized a clergy committee and appointed lay leaders to oversee and supervise what came to be known as the United in Faith (UIF) Endowment Campaign. In the fall of 2000 and throughout 2001, all parishes conducted the campaign.

With the exception of the Diocesan Stewardship 2001 Appeal and the parish rebate portion, the United in Faith Campaign focused on establishing and funding five endowments.

UIF is organized as a President Appointed Committee of The Catholic Foundation whose members, representatives from all parts of the Diocese, are appointed by the Bishop for rotating three-year terms.

United in Faith consists of the following:

Catholic Education Endowment

All Catholic elementary and Diocesan Central Catholic High Schools will benefit from this endowment. Earnings will be distributed to the schools in order to enhance teacher salaries, curriculum development, tuition assistance and operating and capital expenses.

Religious Education and Youth Ministry Endowment

All parish Religious Education and Youth Ministry Programs will share the earnings of this endowment for ongoing training of the Director/Coordinator of Religious Education and/or Youth Ministry, training of catechists and youth group volunteers and supplement library and media resources.

Seminarian Education and Priest Continuing Education Endowment

The earnings of this endowment will assist in paying for the education and related expenses of the seminarians associated with the Rockford Diocese. The earnings will be also designated to educate priests in special fields of knowledge needed by the Diocese.

Assistance Fund for Needy Parishes and Schools Endowment

The earnings from this endowment will be awarded to qualified parishes and schools in the priority areas of tuition assistance, capital projects and debt relief.

Priests’ Retirement

The earnings from this endowment will be distributed to the Rockford Diocese Clergy Retirement Program and be used to increase the benefits of the retired and disabled diocesan clergy who have given their lives in service to the people of the Diocese.